Monday, August 10, 2015


I was riding the Transit today to meet a friend for lunch.  I boarded the bus and sat at the front it.  A few stops into the drive, a man came unto the bus with a child in a stroller.  He put up the seats in front of me to have the stroller out of the way, but there was no where for him to set.  I guess he could have stood, since he was a man - hmmm.  Since I was right behind the stroller, I gave up my seat for the man.  He thanked me.
While the bus continued it's route, I started to think how some people may think that I am a women's libber, because I gave my seat to a man.  I chuckled!  I gave it up for courtesy only!   I think today's generation would not, but in my days they would.

I admit that over the ages, women's lib has done a lot of positive things for women.  However, there are some topics that I disagree with, so I do not consider myself a women's libber.  But this blog is not about women's lib's topics, per say, but I gave my seat to a man because it was the right thing to do.  He needed to set close to the child in the stroller - thus courtesy is always the best policy - whether you are a women's libber or not.
